High Performer Building

Strong & Sustainable.

“Standard construction is fine. But we invite you to think differently.” High Performer Building.

  • High Performer Building is all about combined benefits that deliver better performance in key areas of the building without necessarily changing the design.

    8 keys building elements:

    1. Slab foundation

    2. Frame

    3. Insulation

    4. Cladding

    5. Roofing

    6. Windows & Doors

    7. Flooring

    8. Linings

  • Lower lifecycle carbon emissions.

    Lower running cost

    Improved indoor air quality

    Reduced waste in landfills

    Faster construction times

    Improved thermal performance

  • More and more people are moving towards sustainable construction.

    The new-age buyers are demanding it and expecting sustainability to be part of the requirements.

  • Body carbon - emissions from the energy and other resources used when building a building.

    Whole-of-life embodied carbon emissions - carbon used by the buildings across their lifespan. Such as the amount of energy used to heat, cool, light and maintain the building.


Like a little more detail about the products and services?

Watch Part 2 of Sustainable & High Performer Building —>


Auckland Unitary Plan


Modern and Sustainable Living